
More Varieties than Heinz?

The development work on Windows 8 seems to be moving along nicely – at least according to Steve Ballmer.
He talks about slates, tablets, PCs and different ‘form factors’ – I wish these people would speak English. I always thought slates and tablets were similar but obviously I’m well behind the times.How To Recover Lost Word Document
I’m usually late in moving to a new version of Windows. I stuck with Windows 98 until XP was at least 2 years old, but Windows 7 was the exception – I pre-ordered a copy. Will I be doing that with Win 8? Unlikely – I’m really used to Win 7 now and I like everything about it – even more than I liked XP. Is there any rush to update?
Win 8 is believed to be scheduled for a 2012 launch – that’s only 3 years after Win 7 launched. Now let’s face it – MS is in the business of making money – but not all users can afford to fork out for a new system, or a new PC with a new system, every 2-3 years. Look how long XP lasted. Is this the way forward now? A new variety every couple of years? It’s already impossible to keep up in terms of technology – it will soon be the same for Windows.How To Recover Files
I reckon 5-7 years is a reasonable life for an Operating System. It takes a while to get used to a system, to learn the shortcuts, to learn the tweaks – surely throwing out new versions every couple of years will make some users determined to stick with their favourite oldie?



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