It seems that everyone has a tablet to sell these days. Apple of course, closely followed by Samsung, HP, Blackberry et al…
I love new technology but I’m struggling with the point of these gadgets. Yes, you can browse the web and play music and create fancy charts to impress people, but what is the point of a tablet? Free iPhone recovery
A while ago I read a personal review of the iPad, written by someone not in the technology field. His opinion was that the iPad was a fantastic gadget, easy to use, light to carry, but…he called it the ‘greatest time waster ever invented’. His view was that he had played with it for nearly 3 hours but hadn’t actually done anything — he hadn’t produced anything.
Is this the way we are heading? I see people on the train playing with their smart phones — I’ve never actually seen anyone using the thing to make a call. Why not? Does the phone part not work? recover iPhone data
Are these smart gadgets simply there to help us wile away the hours? Surely gadgets exist to help us be more productive so that we have more free time to spend with friends, family or relaxing? Will we be a world of couch potatoes in the future, reliant on our gadgets to keep in contact with fellow human beings? Will our children and grandchildren be able to conduct a face-to-face conversation?