
How to Find Deleted YouTube Videos

YouTube videos are very popular as it is a great video sharing platform for individuals, organizations as well as corporates to making music videos, blogging, educational content, gaming videos, direct advertising and much more. But, imagine a situation where a very crucial video is mistakenly deleted on computer by you during the course of video editing, sharing or uploading. How to find Deleted YouTube Videos?

Deletion of YouTube videos can be accidental as well as deliberate. However, accidental deletion of YouTube videos is more common. Below are two methods that can be used to find lost or deleted YouTube video files back.Data Recovery Software

If you delete the video after the upload and you also have the backup file for this video on your computer, you can upload it again.

Solution 1: Retrieve lost or deleted YouTube videos from archive.org
The first methods entail the use of the YouTube archive.org feature. To recover YouTube videos using this method a user must first access their YouTube email account. Recover Deleted File
On this account, they will find information on previously uploaded videos. The information will be inclusive of all information related to any deleted or lost YouTube video files.


For more information please read the article:How to Find Deleted YouTube Videos



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